1. Rockwood and Green Textbook of Fractures
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2. Richards RR. Acromialclavicular injuries. Instr Course
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3. Basmania CJ. Acromioclavicular Joint Injuries in Athletes.
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4. Soslowsky LJ, Carpenter JE, Kuhn JE. Biomechanics of the
Shoulder. In: Garrett WE, Speer KP, Kirkendall DT, eds. Principles
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5. Pasque CB, McGinnis DW, Yurko-Griffin L. Shoulder. In:
Sullivan JA, Anderson SJ, eds. Care of the Young Athlete.
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and American Academy
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6. Thompson WO, Warren RF, Barnes RP, Hunt S. Shoulder Injuries.
In: Schenck, Jr, RC ed. Athletic Training and Sports Medicine.
3rd edition. Rosemont, IL: American Academy of Orthopaedic
Surgeons; 1999:220-232.