Shoulder Rotator Cuff/Impingement
How are impingement and rotator cuff tears treated?
Impingement and rotator cuff tears can be treated non-operatively
or with surgery.
Treatment for both injuries usually begins with a non-operative treatment
plan. More than 2/3 of impingement patients can expect significant
improvement in their symptoms with a physical therapy program alone.
These results are lower in older patients and in those with large
bone spurs.
When trauma causes a tear in younger patients, surgery is often the
first choice of treatment. Patients with this type of injury recover
best if surgery is done early. Generally, this pertains to those patients
under the age of fifty with tears less than four weeks old.
Non-Operative Treatment
Non-operative treatment is similar for both impingement and rotator
cuff tears. A vast majority of patients improve with this primary
treatment alone. The goals of a physical therapy program
Strengthening the
rotator cuff tendons
Stretching and
regaining lost motion caused by pain and inflammation
Allowing the humerus
to be better positioned under the acromion, thus reducing compression
of the bursa.
Anti-inflammatory medication may be prescribed to help reduce
pain and inflammation. Many patients with rotator cuff tears can
function quite well if pain and inflammation can be controlled with
medication and physical therapy. This is especially true for the
elderly and those with low demands on the shoulder.
If symptoms have not improved with this program, the doctor may
recommend a steroid injection into the bursa. Cortisone,
or a similar steroid, is often combined with a local anesthetic
to help control the pain and inflammation of the bursa. Steroid
injections are used with caution. Damage to the rotator cuff tendons
may occur with more than two or three injections over several months.
Patients with diabetes are generally not good candidates for steroid
injections because of problems with glucose control.
Arm Push
Stand Parallel to the cord, your elbow should be bent 90 degrees
at your side. Slowly rotate your hand away from your body
using your elbow as a hinge. Rotate until your arm is in a
neutral position.
Your hand on your opposite shoulder. Use other hand to pull
the elbow accross the body until you feel a good stretch on
the back of your shoulder
Operative Treatment
A non-operative treatment plan is often all that is necessary for
most patients with impingement syndrome. However, the small percentage
of patients whose symptoms have not improved after 6 months of dedicated
physical therapy may be candidates for surgery. The shoulder should
be reevaluated to make sure no other problems exist.
Subacromial decompression expands the space between the
acromion and rotator cuff tendons. This can be done either arthroscopically
or with open incisions, depending on the preference of the surgeon.
During an arthroscopy, a tiny fiberoptic instrument is inserted
into the joint. In many cases, the doctor can assess and repair
the damage through this scope without making large incisions. Scar
tissue or bone spurs can successfully be removed with either technique.
If a rotator cuff tear is found at the time of surgery, it can also
be repaired if necessary.
Rotator cuff tear
Not all rotator cuff tears require surgery. Many patients are
content with their progress following a non-operative treatment
plan. Patients who have been unable to regain lost motion and strengthen
the surrounding muscles sufficiently may need a rotator cuff repair.
This is often the case for the younger, more active patients who
want to address continued weakness following physical therapy.
Rotator cuff repairs can be performed either arthroscopically or
with open incisions. Arthroscopic techniques are new and limited
to specific types of tears. An open repair that secures the rotator
cuff tendons back to the humerus remains the surgical treatment
of choice.
What types of complications may occur?
Complication rates after surgery are generally low. Pre-operative
antibiotics are given to reduce the slight risk of infection after
surgery. Infection tends to occur a little less often when arthroscopic
techniques are used. Risks of major bleeding or nerve damage are
extremely small. Postoperative stiffness is the major complication
of both impingement and rotator cuff tears.