Glenohumeral Arthritis >> Symptoms
What are the signs and symptoms of glenohumeral arthritis?
Pain from bone-on-bone rubbing within the joint is the most common symptom of glenohumeral arthritis
- At first the pain may come and go, but it tends to increase with time, usually over several years.
- Movement usually adds to the discomfort.
- The pain is commonly present at night, and interferes with sleep.
- There may or may not be pain at rest.
Loss of motion is another common symptom. Possible causes of motion loss include:
- Osteophytes that block joint motion
- Constriction of the joint capsule due to chronic inflammation, pain, and disuse
- Fractures or previous surgeries that may have changed joint structure and interfered with motion
- Weakness of the supporting muscles following a rotator cuff tear
Other symptoms may be:
- Atrophy (wasting away) of shoulder muscles due to disuse
- Swelling in the shoulder due to inflammation
- Crepitus (clicking or crunching sound) during shoulder motion
- Tenderness with palpation (touch) affecting the entire shoulder region or specific areas

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